
Book suggestions

We now have a collection of books that can be used to teach KS2 languages. Here are two books that will enhance your school’s French lessons.

New Books

Parfois je me sens by Anthony Browne

Key stage 2, French

With bright, colourful and engaging illustrations, Anthony Browne poses the question, ‘Comment te sens-tu?’ (How do you feel?). In the pages to follow, a range of varied emotions lead the reader through a spectrum of human feeling sometimes (parfois) experienced.

Pourquoi? by Alex Sanders

Key stage 2, French

Curious young bunny ‘Lulu’ wants to find out more about the different parts of his mother’s body and what she does with them. Using repeated ‘pourquoi?’ (why?) questioning, his attentive maman (mother) explains why she has feet, eyes, ears, a mouth, hands and fingers.